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Capital Market Research Financial analysis of listed companies based on guidance provided. Good knowledge of valuation approach, excel financial modelling. Prior work on Data Analytics preferred. Would need to make Powerpoint ..
Market Researcher Analyst We are looking for a ... looking for a methodical Market Research analyst to survey customer preferences and ... Perform valid and reliable market research SWOT analysis..
Market Research I need people who are willing to complete market research and answer questions for companies we work with. How much you earn depends on your age, your profile and ..
Market research report writer Need Market research analyst to impart training Skills: Research Writing..
Market Data Research Analyst I need you to fill in a spreadsheet with data. I need this person to do market research and get me the data required in excel sheet... ..
Market Research Bhutan & Maldives We are looking for a freelancer to help us on a project in Bhutan & Maldives the healthcare/ pharmaceutical space. The job would entail talking to ..
IT sales market research need a person who can bring IT project from anywhere on commission based term our website [login to view URL] Need Serious passion sales b2b b2c guy ..
detailed market research analysis Only indians needed. We ... needed. We need a detailed research using tools regarding the F&B ... overall expected growth Skills: Market Research , Research ,..
Market Research for an AI powered camera ... can explain about their market research project for a data analytics/ ... analytics/ AI company. Skills: Market Research , Research , Business..
Market research Hi experts, I need assistance ... experts, I need assistance for marketing research in sketching and drawing. Skills: ... sketching and drawing. Skills: Market Research , Marketing ,..
Product Documentation and Market research We are looking for Product Documentation and Market research with Technical Writer and Business Proposal Writer. Skills: Business Plans , Business Analysis , Finance , Research ..
Need a market research and a business plan for ... project . Need a market research and a business plan for ... , Business Analysis , Market Research , Marketing..
Role IND Market Research Consultant Business Unit: Performance, Rewards ... 2-4 years of relevant Market Research work experience after completion of ... advantage Role: As a Market Research Consultant your..
... Sales - Freelance - Market Research Mercado Research is a reseller of market ... is a reseller of market research reports; We intend to develop ... of working in..
Market Research Intern Project details: The project aims to uplift fruit business by providing an easy solution to order fruits from across the country. Our one-click solution in form of mobile ..
Market Research for electric vehicle industry Describe the industry and its potential major markets major manufacturers both public and private major suppliers describe value chain of the process list top 15 ..
Market Research & Data Analysis Need a ... conduct salary & demographic market research in Pune, India. Resulting data ... output is satisfactory. Skills: Market Research , Research , Business..
Market research Need to do market research for a carry bags based ... which are above 50 microns. Research data should include the field ... details call 7798270556 Skills: Market..
Business Plan, Financial Plan and Market Research I am looking for someone who can write complete business plan and financial plan (by doing market research also) for my healthcare startup A ..
Market research and Financial Projection We are working on an e commerce project. We need to prepare a pitch deck and financial projections for investors. We need someone to help us ..
Need a Market Research Expert This is a low budget [login to view URL] you perform well in this [login to view URL] have lots of running project for you,where you ..
Market Data Analyst Market Data Analyst or Finance or Expert Skills: Finance , Financial Research , Business Analysis , Market Research , Business Plans..
Looking for market research companies I am looking for ... for companies that do market research Skills: Market Research , Research , Marketing , Business Analysis , Internet ... ,..