The question of how the market really deserves an article at least as much in the foreground as in the process of writing, but the first is a rarely discussed topic. Marketing articles, if they are right, the traffic, thus increasing page rank. A higher page rank translates to even more traffic, so your page ranks even more.
Marketing articles, regardless of whether or not done to simply contribute to the bills or as a means towards the end of that financial independence is a wonderful way to earn money. This is to make the difference between earning a few cents to several dollars a day, if they are exported.
The advantages are two: The more visitors to your article on your links, the higher its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPS) will. The higher the ranking of your site is, the more visitors you get, with visitors to the translation into cash at the end. Yes, the development is that simple.
Marketing means that the article links that people and web crawlers (the programs behind search engines) can follow. Links can be divided into two classes, depending on the command:
1. Follow Link - command the web crawlers to your web site, you get a credit back.
2. Do not follow link - commands the crawler on your site. You can still click on a link, like this, but unfortunately you will not credit back for visits by such a connection.
Or by location:
1. Internal links - links to another page within the web site's domain.
2. External Links - Links to another page outside the web site's domain.
You can also list your item with each other via internal links. In this way, you do not need the presence of an external web site or the person that your brings your article more visits and signups. You can also use internal links on a whim by the eHow ''Related Items'' area, or by creating links in Bukisa. Check your publishing service to see how you can link to your articles.
The act of creating linkages for marketing of articles is probably the next thing you as a ''working'' on the Internet. Its power to traffic and site rankings, should not be underestimated, however.