General Marketing
General marketing encompasses a broad range of tasks under generalized titles, and these jobs can often be found in small business or not-for-profit organizations. To work in these jobs a wide spectrum of experience and knowledge is required to do well. This is required because those employed in general marketing positions will be expected to handle a wider variety of tasks than those who choose to specialize. Starting jobs under this category include marketing analyst positions, which require good mathematic ability and good communication skills both written and verbal. These positions also tend to involve aspects of areas of marketing such as sales, promotions, retail, and cross-business relations.
Industrial Marketing
Business to business, otherwise known as industrial marketing jobs can be found in both small and large businesses. Applicants interested in industrial marketing and careers in this line can find appropriate positions in sales and purchasing, market research, communications and product management among many others. To specialize in this area of marketing, specific skills are required, and training should be sought by those interested in this kind of career to learn the skills and strategies involved with marketing to managerial buyers. Skills such as competitive bidding, conflict resolution and brilliant customer relations are essential to succeed in this line of marketing.
International Marketing
Marketing in the modern international context requires a high level skill set in a variety of areas as it involves delicate interpersonal relations across cultures as well as companies and between individuals. Those interested in pursuing international marketing as a career should seriously consider studying a second language and would also benefit from an international student exchange. The experience of studying abroad will inform your understanding of another culture and assist you in developing a second language, which can be particularly useful in international marketing. Many of these positions are offered to those who have proved their efficiency in a domestic position, then being moved to lend their expertise to a foreign office.
Marketing Research
Jobs in marketing research aim to target and analyze problems in marketing and to produce, monitor, and perfect marketing actions in response to these problems. The opportunities in this field are far reaching and include work involving human resources, analytical skills and communications, to name a few. A common starting position in marketing research is that of Junior Analyst, with view of promotion. Positions in marketing research can be found in traditional jobs offered by small and large companies alike, although more and more opportunities are becoming available in specialized areas in certain research firms.
Promotions Marketing
Promotions management includes areas such as advertising and internet management and marketing and is a rapidly expanding field; marketing careers involving database management also falls under this category. Careers in advertising firms and in public relations are considered a part of the promotions marketing career path and require high levels of customer relations and communications skills as well as creative and analytical skills and efficiency in sales. In order to be successful in a promotions marketing career path, you must have the capacity to put effective business and customer relations strategies into action while maintaining a certain level of creative expression.
Retailing encompasses one of the largest ranges of marketing jobs in the United States, as in most of the Western world. Retail businesses exist among the largest employers and include a vast range of jobs that can be gained as a step in your marketing career. Retail experience is preferred, particularly for graduate applicants, though many companies hire employees directly out of college. Merchandising is one of the two main career paths offered through the retail career track, with a career in store operations being the other. Merchandising requires skills in planning, purchasing and selling products, while careers in store operations involve more of the practical tasks in running a retail business effectively including scheduling and maintenance.
Sales and Sales Management
Sales and sales management exists as a highly important role in their companies. Being responsible for sustaining profitability and promotion growth and being motivated and skilled in customer relations can make an extremely rewarding career. Modern sales jobs involve building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships and job performance in these positions tend to be reflected in commissions and other forms of career or monetary reward. Sales positions are different from other marketing jobs; their sales manager largely, if not entirely determines the movements and goals of people working in sales. A promotion to this title can take up to ten years to achieve.
Many marketing jobs are not advertised specifically as a marketing position. This is why it is important to determine which marketing career path suits your needs and then pursue positions within that category. With a little career planning and personal research you are sure to find a position that suits you.