Microsoft Corp. announced the appointment of Qi Lu, an ex-Yahoo executive as the head of search and online advertising as well as the company's online information and communications services. Qi Lu had left Yahoo after working there for ten years in August, this year. In his new job, he will report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer. Mr. Lu will replace Kevin Johnson, who played a central role in Microsoft’s failed attempt to buy Yahoo earlier this year. Meanwhile, in a joint interview with Qi Lu, Mr. Ballmer argued for Microsoft and Yahoo to quickly come to an agreement and said that the deal would have the benefit of creating a ''credible competitor'' to Google in the search and advertising market.
300 Million Downloads From Apple App Store in Five Months!
Apple recently announced that it has seen more than 300 million downloads from its Apps store since its launch, five months back. Apple has been successfully able to leverage its large user base with iTunes to create a simplified medium for consumers to browse, buy, download, and install apps on their iPhone or iPod Touch. Programs like the Internet radio streaming app Pandora, Facebook, and Google Earth feature in the most downloaded apps list released by the company. Though many of Apple’s rivals are trying to replicate the success enjoyed by the company, none of them have come up with any competitive ideas. In August, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had told the Wall Street Journal that the apps could eventually become a billion dollar business, and the success surely matches his predictions.
Google and Facebook at Loggerheads as they seek to ‘Connect’
Internet rivals, Google and Facebook launched universal log-in systems with the launches being some minutes apart. Facebook launched Facebook Connect while Google named its service as Friend Connect. The Facebook system allows members to connect to their Facebook identity across the Web. The Google counterpart lets users register with a log-in that they're comfortable with and probably use every day--their Google or Gmail ID and password. Both Facebook Connect and Friend Connect are simple and bring the concept of data portability into the mainstream. Earlier this week, Facebook users had to deal with Koobface, a nasty virus triggered by an e-mail lure and a fake Adobe Flash update request. On the other hand, Google announced extension plans for its Chrome browser.