Paying careful attention to the body language of others can save valuable time in decoding the real situation, irrespective of what the other person is saying. For example, arms crossed over someone’s chest show resistance or defensiveness, and fidgeting conveys boredom or impatience. If you miss these subtle messages in another person’s behavior, you are missing vital information that he or she is giving you. Understanding body language can thus be just as important as verbal communication in most cases.
In trying to use the messages of body language to your advantage, keep the following tips in mind:
People tend to be more receptive to those they are comfortable with and avoid those they feel uncomfortable with.
Maintaining eye contact reflects honesty and interest. However, continuous eye contact may be perceived as staring or aggression.
A smile shows you to be a warm person who is ready to accommodate. Smiling conveys that you agree with the other person or understand him or her.
A firm handshake is often the norm in most business settings, and it conveys that you acknowledge the other person.
Physical contact like a pat on the back or a hand on the shoulder of another person may be seen by some as an act of encouragement or concern for the other person’s well-being, but it may also be misconstrued in some and land you in a difficult position. Sexual harassment fears have made all types of touch beyond handshakes set off a warning bell.
Never violate another person’s personal space or else he will tend to withdraw from any further communication with you. Personal space requirements vary with age, gender, and situation. Analyzing the comfort level of the other person and giving him a comfortable personal space is good business etiquette.
Ensure that your body language and your speech go together. Otherwise, your communication will be labeled as artificial or insincere.
Cultural preferences play an important role in understanding body language. What is acceptable in one place may not find any takers in some other place.
In short, body language is a silent but significant indicator of a person’s character. It is good to be conscious of your body language in your workplace to avoid any discomfort with coworkers. It is also good to keep in mind that while you are judging another person on the basis of his body language, your body language is making statements about you to others!
So, keep your body language in check!